Rutas en Bicicleta por Madrid

La Comunidad de Madrid reúne todas las condiciones para ofrecer una experiencia cicloturista diseñada para satisfacer al público más exigente en la práctica del turismo en bicicleta.

Hay rutas en bicicleta para todo tipo de usuarios (desde rutas por carretera, rutas de Gravel o rutas con bicicleta de montaña y también rutas fáciles para disfrutar en familia y con niños), y un amplio conjunto de destinos turísticos que destacan por su patrimonio histórico y parques naturales, su cultura, su gastronomía, sus vinos… Estas rutas hacen posible recorrer en bicicleta sus diferentes comarcas y pueblos, sus villas históricas, o los 3 sitios declarados Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO.

Practica el Cicloturismo en Madrid con los mejores servicios gracias a nuestros asociados. La asociación está formada por más de 50 socios que incluyen alojamientos, restaurantes, empresas de servicios relacionados con la bicicleta, bodegas, ayuntamientos y asociaciones territoriales. Más de 1.200 kilómetros de recorridos por la Región te esperan.

Madrid es mucho más que la ciudad de Madrid. Descúbrela en bici ¿por qué no?

Alcarria de Alcalá

Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to Torrelaguna

Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to TorrelagunaALCALÁ DE HENARES TO TORRELAGUNATo get to the start of the route we recommend taking the Renfe commuter train (line C-7).We start pedaling in Alcalá de Henares, the city of Cervantes, whose university and historic district are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, is a top destination.


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Arganda del Rey - Pozuelo del Rey

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Arganda del Rey – Pozuelo del ReyCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: ARGANDA DEL REY – POZUELO DEL REYFrom Arganda del Rey station this route takes you to the east of Madrid, where you can join the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid route.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Madrid Cycle Tourism Product Club Association.TECHNICAL DATA Distance:


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Arganda - Ciempozuelos

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Arganda – CiempozuelosCYCLEMADRID RIDERS: ARGANDA – CIEMPOZUELOSA route to join the southern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid. Arganda del Rey can be easily reached by Metro from Madrid Capital. Check the regulations for taking your bicycle on the Metro before planning your trip.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by theAsociación Club


Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to Chinchón

Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to ChinchónALCALÁ DE HENARES TO CHINCHÓNTo get to the start of the route we recommend taking the Renfe commuter train (line C-7).Alcalá de Henares, the city of Cervantes, whose university and historic quarter are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, is a top destination. Visit its monuments and


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Navalcarnero - Picadas Reservoir

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Navalcarnero – Picadas ReservoirCYCLEMADRID RIDERS: NAVALCARNERO – RESERVOIR PICADASNavalcarnero can be easily reached by private transportation. Once there, follow this route to join the western section of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid route.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Madrid Cycle Tourism Product Club Association.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 51.8 km Positive elevation gain:


Bicycle route from Navalcarnero to Aranjuez

Bicycle route from Navalcarnero to AranjuezNAVALCARNERO TO ARANJUEZTo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Grand tour of Ciclamadrid. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc: CycleMadrid Corredores.We leave Navalcarnero is a town with


Bicycle route from Algete to Alcalá de Henares

Bicycle route from Algete to Alcalá de HenaresALGETE TO ALCALÁ DE HENARESAre you looking for an exciting bike route to explore the Madrid region? The route from Algente to Alcalá de Henares could be just what you need. With a distance of 21.55 km, this bike route is perfect for those who want to enjoy


Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to Algete

Cycling route from Alcalá de Henares to AlgeteALCALÁ DE HENARES TO ALGETEThrough the countryside of the Alcarria de Alcalá.This stage runs between the Henares and Jarama basins. In the lower countryside of the Henares River, between cereal fields and riparian forests, we will leave Alcalá de Henares in the direction of Daganzo de Arriba, although


Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to Nuevo Baztán

Bicycle route from Alcalá de Henares to Nuevo BaztánALCALÁ DE HENARES TO NUEVO BAZTÁNIf you are looking for a nice bike route through the Madrid region, then the route from Alcalá de Henares to Nuevo Baztan is definitely for you.With a distance of 29.99 km and a positive elevation gain of 478 m, this hike


Bicycle route from Nuevo Baztán to Villarejo de Salvanés

Bicycle route from Nuevo Baztán to Villarejo de SalvanésNUEVO BAZTÁN TO VILLAREJO DE SALVANÉSIf you are looking for a cycling adventure that takes you through some of the most breathtaking views of the community of Madrid, the route from Nuevo Baztán to Villarejo de Salvanés is perfect for you. With a total distance of 38.26


Urban Bicycle Route - Alcalá de Henares

Urban Bicycle Route – Alcalá de HenaresALCALÁ DE HENARESEnter Alcalá de Henares and discover why it has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A simple and accessible route for all levels.Alcalá can be easily reached by train from the city of Madrid or you can spend the night before in one of the


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Arganda del Rey - Carabaña

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Arganda del Rey – CarabañaCYCLEMADRID RIDERS: ARGANDA DEL REY – CARABAÑAA route to join the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid route, towards Chinchón or Alcalá de Henares. Arganda del Rey can be easily reached by Metro from Madrid Capital. Check the regulations for taking your bicycle on the Metro before planning your trip.Ciclamadrid


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Navalcarnero - Casa de Campo

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Navalcarnero – Casa de CampoCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: NAVALCARNERO – CASA DE CAMPOA route to return from the southwestern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Madrid Cycle Tourism Product Club Association.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 29.87 km Positive elevation gain: 209 m Negative vertical drop: 207 m Time: Difficulty:


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Pozuelo del Rey - Arganda del Rey

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Pozuelo del Rey – Arganda del ReyCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: POZUELO DEL REY – ARGANDA DEL REYThis route takes you from the east side of the Community of Madrid to the Arganda del Rey metro station, from where you can access almost any corner of the capital. Check the regulations for taking your bicycle


Bicycle route from Navalcarnero to San Martín de Valdeiglesias

Bicycle route from Navalcarnero to San Martín de ValdeiglesiasNAVALCARNERO TO SAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIASTo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Grand tour of Ciclamadrid. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc:


Bicycle route from Navalcarnero to Griñón

Bicycle route from Navalcarnero to GriñónNAVALCARNERO TO GRIÑÓNThe middle basin of the Guadarrama, villages of adobe and tile roofs.Leaving Navalcarnero through fields of crops along a gently undulating but predominantly flat road, you will soon reach El Álamo. This is a village with a clear Manchegan flavor, with an abundance of farm houses with Arab


Véloroute de San Lorenzo de El Escorial à San Martín de Valdeiglesias

Itinéraire cycliste de San Lorenzo de El Escorial à San Martín de ValdeiglesiasDE SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIAL À SAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIASDes monastères et des marais : un itinéraire culturel dans un cadre naturel spectaculaire.Pour vous rendre au départ de Madrid, vous pouvez choisir d’utiliser votre propre moyen de transport, le train Renfe Cercanías


Itinéraire cycliste de Miraflores à Torrelaguna

Véloroute de Miraflores de la Sierra à TorrelagunaDE MIRAFLORES À TORRELAGUNASi vous êtes passionné de cyclisme et que vous souhaitez découvrir les magnifiques paysages de la Communauté de Madrid, l’itinéraire de Miraflores de la Sierra à Torrelaguna est l’option idéale pour vous. Avec une distance totale de 29,53 kilomètres et un dénivelé total de 253


Véloroute de Loeches à Pozuelo del Rey

Véloroute de Loeches à Pozuelo del ReyDES SANGSUES À POZUELO DEL REYDécouvrez un itinéraire cycliste passionnant de Loeches à Pozuelo del Rey.Nous commencerons notre itinéraire sur le périphérique Loeches M-300, en direction de Campo Real.A mi-parcours, prendre un chemin qui part en direction de l’est.C’est le début de cet itinéraire que nous suivrons sur environ


Bicycle route from Nuevo Baztán to Alcalá de Henares

Bicycle route from Nuevo Baztán to Alcalá de HenaresNUEVO BAZTAN TO ALCALA DE HENARESRoad to Complutum and the City of CervantesPedal in search of Monuments. You will pass through two of the cities with more history and heritage of the community of Madrid: Alcalá de Henares and Nuevo Baztán.This stage is comfortable and, for the


CiclaMadrid Gran Tour bicycle route

CiclaMadrid Grand TourCIRCULAR ROUTEThe Gran Recorrido de Ciclamadrid that connects all 17 stages.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Asociación Club de Producto de Cicloturismo in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 432.11 km Positive elevation gain: 4,161 m Negative vertical drop: 4,161 m Time:  Difficulty: Moderate Maximum height: 1.129 m Minimum height: 454 m Circular route: YesDownload trackShareImages of


Comarca de Las Vegas del Tajo y Tajuña

Bicycle route from Aranjuez to Navalcarnero

Bicycle route from Aranjuez to NavalcarneroARANJUEZ TO NAVALCARNEROTo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport, the Renfe commuter train (line C-3) or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Ciclamadrid Grand Tour. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc: CycleMadrid…


Bicycle route from Villarejo de Salvanés to Chinchón

Bicycle route from Villarejo de Salvanés to ChinchónVILLAREJO DE SALVANÉS TO CHINCHÓNIf you like to pedal and enjoy the outdoors, the bike route from Villarejo de Salvanés to Chinchón is an excellent option for you. With a distance of 22.35 kilometers and a positive elevation gain of 171 meters, this is an easy route that…


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Carabaña - Arganda del Rey

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Carabaña – Arganda del ReyCARABAÑA – ARGANDA DEL REYA route to return to the capital from the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid route, between Chinchón and Alcalá de Henares. From Arganda del Rey you can easily reach any part of Madrid Capital by Metro. Check the regulations for taking your bicycle on the…


Los Castillos Bicycle Route

The route of Los CastillosROUTE OF THE CASTLESThrough this experience you will get to know Villarejo de Salvanés, Fuentidueña del Tajo and Villamanrique del Tajo. You will discover its ancient castles and architecture.This route, designed for castle lovers, begins in Villarejo de Salvanés. We will cross this municipality in search of Villarejo Castle. Although only…


Bicycle route from Chinchón to Alcalá de Henares

Bicycle route from Chinchón to Alcalá de HenaresCHINCHÓN TO ALCALÁ DE HENARESTo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Grand tour of Ciclamadrid. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc: CycleMadrid Corredores.We…


Cycling route from Aranjuez to Chinchón (moderate)

Aranjuez to Chinchón route (moderate)ARANJUEZ TO CHINCHÓNA very accessible stage through wine and farmland.To get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport, the Renfe commuter train (line C-3) or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Ciclamadrid Grand Tour. To see the…


Bicycle route from Chinchón to Aranjuez (easy)

Bicycle route from Chinchón to Aranjuez (easy)CHINCHÓN TO ARANJUEZIf you are a cycling lover and are looking for a new adventure, you can’t miss the route that I propose today in the community of Madrid. On this occasion, we will enter a landscape full of contrasts, from the historic village of Chinchón to the impressive…


Bicycle route from Aranjuez to Valdemoro

Bicycle route from Aranjuez to ValdemoroARANJUEZ TO VALDEMOROThe community of Madrid is a privileged place for cycling lovers, and the route I propose today is a clear example of this. On this occasion, we will enter a landscape full of charm and nature, which will take us from Aranjuez to Valdemoro, traveling through some of…


Bicycle route from Chinchón to Villarejo de Salvanés

Bicycle route from Chinchón to Villarejo de SalvanésCHINCHÓN TO VILLAREJO DE SALVANÉSThe community of Madrid is an ideal destination for cycling lovers, and the route that I propose today is another example of this. On this occasion, we will venture on a route full of charm, which will take us from the charming village of…


Bicycle route from Villarejo de Salvanés to Nuevo Baztán

Bicycle route from Villarejo de Salvanés to Nuevo BaztánVILLAREJO DE SALVANÉS TO NUEVO BAZTÁNThrough La Alcarria in Madrid in the direction of the Goyeneche Palace.If you want to experience the diversity of landscapes of the Community of Madrid, this is your route: dry farming, olive groves, river meadows and a Monumental City.To leave Villarejo de…


Bicycle route from Chinchón to Aranjuez (moderate)

Cycling route from Chinchón to Aranjuez (moderate)CHINCHÓN TO ARANJUEZA very accessible stage through wine and farmland.To get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Grand tour of Ciclamadrid. To see the corresponding track search…


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Ciempozuelos - Madrid Rio

Cyclemadrid Runners’ Route: Ciempozuelos – Madrid RíoCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: CIEMPOZUELOS – MADRID RIOA route to return to the capital from the southern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Cycle Tourism Product Club Association in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 33.85 km Positive difference in altitude: 151 m Negative vertical drop: 105 m Time: …


Urban Bicycle Route - Aranjuez

Urban Bicycle Route – AranjuezARANJUEZThis experience takes you to know the World Heritage City of Aranjuez, its main monuments and its wines.An easy and accessible route for all levelsAranjuez can be easily reached by train from the city of Madrid or spend the night before in one of the many and varied accommodations offered by…


Cyclemadrid Runners' Route: Ciempozuelos - Arganda

Cyclemadrid Runners’ Route: Ciempozuelos – ArgandaCYCLEMADRID CORRIDORS: CIEMPOZUELOS – ARGANDAA route to return from the southern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid. From Arganda del Rey you can easily reach any part of Madrid Capital by Metro. Check the regulations for taking your bicycle on the Metro before planning your trip.Ciclamadrid is a project…


Véloroute de Robledo de Chavela à San Martín de Valdeiglesias

Véloroute de Robledo de Chavela à San Martín de ValdeiglesiasDE ROBLEDO DE CHAVELA À SAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIASAguas de San Juan parmi les forêts de pins, dans les contreforts de Gredos.Si vous voulez vous détendre dans le Pantano de San Juan et profiter d’un itinéraire entre pins et chênes verts, c’est l’itinéraire qu’il vous faut.Depuis…


CiclaMadrid Gran Tour bicycle route

CiclaMadrid Grand TourCIRCULAR ROUTEThe Gran Recorrido de Ciclamadrid that connects all 17 stages.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Asociación Club de Producto de Cicloturismo in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 432.11 km Positive elevation gain: 4,161 m Negative vertical drop: 4,161 m Time:  Difficulty: Moderate Maximum height: 1.129 m Minimum height: 454 m Circular route: YesDownload trackShareImages of…


Bicycle route from Aranjuez to Chinchón (easy)

Bicycle route from Aranjuez to Chinchón (easy)ARANJUEZ – CHINCHÓNThe fertile lowlands of the Tajo. From historic gardens to cultivated fields.Enjoy this experience, where you can discover Aranjuez, one of the World Heritage Cities and pedal enjoying the fields of the fertile valley of the Tajo.Aranjuez can be easily reached by train from the city of…


AreaBTT Route 08. CiclaMadrid MTB Tour Montes Carpetanos

AreaBTT Route 08. CiclaMadrid MTB Tour Montes CarpetanosLOZOYA – PRÁDENA DEL RINCÓNL’anneau cycliste de la Sierra Norte de Madrid, dans son étape à travers les montagnes Carpetanos, se déroule sur la piste horizontale, avec un parcours de plus de 20 km à 1800 m d’altitude, offrant des vues imprenables sur la vallée de Lozoya et…


Sierra del Guadarrama

Bicycle route from Miraflores de la Sierra to Manzanares el Real

Bicycle route from Miraflores de la Sierra to Manzanares el RealMIRAFLORES DE LA SIERRA TO MANZANARES EL REALRoute of the Castle of Los Mendoza.Experience a descent with panoramic views through the regional park of the upper Guadarrama basin to reach the Mendoza Castle.In Manzanares you have the possibility to visit La Pedriza, a unique corner…


Bicycle route from Manzanares el Real to Moralzarzal

Bicycle route from Manzanares el Real to MoralzarzalMANZANARES EL REAL TO MORALZARZALViews of the National Park From Manzanares, head towards El Boalo, along the signposted path that you will find to the north of the road, on the border of the Guadarrama National Park. El Boalo is a village that preserves a good sample of…


Bicycle route from Manzanares El Real to San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Bicycle route Manzanares El Real to San Lorenzo de El EscorialMANZANARES EL REAL TO SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIALSpectacular tour from the castle of Manzanares el Real to the monasteries of El Escorial.To get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of…


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Collado Villalba - Torrelodones

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Collado Villalba – TorrelodonesCYCLEMADRID RIDERS: COLLADO VILLALBA – TORRELODONESFrom Collado Villalba you can easily reach any corner of the capital by Renfe Cercanías train. Start your routes through the Sierra from there. Follow this route to return from the northern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid. Ciclamadrid is a project promoted…


Bicycle route from San Lorenzo del Escorial to Moralzarzal

Bicycle route from San Lorenzo del Escorial to MoralzarzalSAN LORENZO DEL ESCORIAL TO MORALZARZALThe bicycle route from San Lorenzo del Escorial to Moralzarzal is one of the most popular in the Community of Madrid. With a distance of 22.73 kilometers and a positive elevation gain of 102 meters, it is a perfect option for those…


Bicycle route from Manzanares El Real to Torrelaguna

Bicycle route from Manzanares El Real to TorrelagunaMANZANARES EL REAL TO TORRELAGUNATo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Grand tour of Ciclamadrid. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc: CycleMadrid Corredores.At Manzanares…


Bicycle route from Moralzarzal to Manzanares el Real

Bicycle route from Moralzarzal to Manzanares el RealMORALZARZAL TO MANZANARES EL REALIf you are a cycling enthusiast and are looking for an easy and attractive route in the Community of Madrid, then the route from Moralzarzal to Manzanares el Real is an excellent choice. On this tour you will enjoy beautiful natural landscapes while pedaling…


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Torrelodones - Collado Villalba

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Torrelodones – Collado VillalbaCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: TORRELODONES – COLLADO VILLALBATorrelodones can be easily reached by Renfe Cercanías train from Madrid Capital. Start your routes through the Sierra from there. Access to the northern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Cycle Tourism Product Club Association in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance:…


Bicycle route from Moralzarzal to San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Bicycle route from Moralzarzal to San Lorenzo de El EscorialMORALZARZAL TO SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIALThrough the foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama.We will descend through the foothills of the Guadarrama until we reach a World Heritage City, pedaling among the melojares.To leave Moralzarzal, take the road to Cerceda and follow the route. In San…


Cyclemadrid Runners' Route: Picadas Reservoir - Navalcarnero

Cyclemadrid Runners: Picadas Reservoir – NavalcarneroCYCLEMADRID RIDERS: PICADAS RESERVOIR – NAVALCARNEROA route to get closer to Navalcarnero so that from there, you can join more routes of the Gran Recorrido de Ciclamadrid.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Madrid Cycle Tourism Product Club Association.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 51.88 km Positive elevation gain: 565 m Negative vertical…


Véloroute urbaine - San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Véloroute urbaine – San Lorenzo de El EscorialSAN LORENZO DEL ESCORIALUn parcours urbain simple et adapté à tous les niveaux.Découvrez les coins et recoins de cette merveilleuse ville, San Lorenzo de El Escorial vous offre la possibilité d’apprécier une multitude de monuments tout en profitant d’une agréable promenade.Vous pouvez vous rendre à El Escorial en…


Véloroute de Navalcarnero à Aldea del Fresno

Véloroute de Navalcarnero à Aldea del FresnoDE NAVALCARNERO À ALDEA DEL FRESNOSi vous aimez la nature et les pistes cyclables, vous ne pouvez pas manquer l’occasion de parcourir la route qui va de Navalcarnero à Aldea del Fresno.Le long de cet itinéraire de 23,71 km, vous pourrez apprécier la beauté des paysages offerts par la…


Cyclamadrid runners route: Manzanares el Real - Fuencarral

Cyclemadrid Runners’ Route: Manzanares el Real – FuencarralMANZANARES EL REAL – FUENCARRALFrom the foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama and La Pedriza, specifically the town of Manzanares el Real, you can easily return following this route to Madrid Capital. The end of the route leaves you at the Renfe Cercanías de Fuencarral station, from where…


Bicycle route from Miraflores to Torrelaguna

Bicycle route from Miraflores de la Sierra to TorrelagunaMIRAFLORES TO TORRELAGUNAIf you are passionate about cycling and want to explore the beautiful landscapes of the Community of Madrid, the route from Miraflores de la Sierra to Torrelaguna is the perfect option for you. With a total distance of 29.53 kilometers and a positive elevation gain…


Véloroute de San Lorenzo de El Escorial à Manzanares El Real

Véloroute de San Lorenzo de El Escorial à Manzanares El RealSAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIAL – MANZANARES EL REALRoute spectaculaire des monastères de l’Escorial au château de Manzanares el Real.Pour vous rendre au départ de Madrid, vous pouvez choisir d’utiliser votre propre moyen de transport, le train Renfe Cercanías (ligne C-3) ou arriver à vélo…


CiclaMadrid Gran Tour bicycle route

CiclaMadrid Grand TourCIRCULAR ROUTEThe Gran Recorrido de Ciclamadrid that connects all 17 stages.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Asociación Club de Producto de Cicloturismo in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 432.11 km Positive elevation gain: 4,161 m Negative vertical drop: 4,161 m Time:  Difficulty: Moderate Maximum height: 1.129 m Minimum height: 454 m Circular route: YesDownload trackShareImages of…


Itinéraire cycliste d'Aranjuez à Chinchón (facile)

Itinéraire cycliste d’Aranjuez à Chinchón (facile)ARANJUEZ – CHINCHÓNLa plaine du Tage. Des jardins historiques aux champs cultivés.Profitez de cette expérience pour découvrir Aranjuez, l’une des villes classées au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité, et pédalez tout en admirant les champs cultivés de la vallée de la rivière Tajo.Aranjuez est facilement accessible en train depuis la ville…


Sierra Norte

Cycling route from Torrelaguna to Miraflores de la Sierra

Cycling route from Torrelaguna to Miraflores de la SierraTORRELAGUNA TO MIRAFLORES DE LA SIERRAEnjoy an ascent through the mountains of Madrid. Don’t miss the spectacular oak and holm oak pastures that dominate the landscape.Before leaving, visit this town full of historic buildings. First thing in the morning is always a good time.Follow the route in…


Cycling route from Torrelaguna to Algete

Cycling route from Torrelaguna to AlgeteTORRELAGUNA TO ALGETEThe bicycle route that we propose will take you from the town of Torrelaguna to Algete, in the community of Madrid.With a total distance of 28.57 km, this route has a positive difference in altitude of 119 m and a negative difference in altitude of 138 m. The…


Cyclemadrid Runners' Route: El Molar - La Aldehuela

Cyclemadrid Runners’ Route: El Molar – La AldehuelaCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: EL MOLAR – LA ALDEHUELAThe access point to the routes of the northern section of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Cycle Tourism Product Club Association in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 9.24 km Positive vertical drop: 57 m Negative vertical drop: 161 m Time: …


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: La Aldehuela - El Molar

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: La Aldehuela – El MolarCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: LA ALDEHUELA – EL MOLARReturn from the northern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Cycle Tourism Product Club Association in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 9.3 km Positive elevation gain: 167 m Negative vertical drop: 57 m Time:  Difficulty: Easy Maximum height: 825…


Cycling route from Torrelaguna to Alcalá de Henares

Cycling route from Torrelaguna to Alcalá de HenaresTORRELAGUNA TO ALCALÁ DE HENARESTo get to the beginning of the route it is recommended to arrive by your own transportation.Stop for a moment to explore the streets and monuments of Torrelaguna, a town located in the middle valley of the Jarama that surprises for its history and the…


Bicycle route from Torrelaguna to Manzanares El Real

Bicycle route from Torrelaguna to Manzanares El RealTORRELAGUNA – MANZANARES EL REALA spectacular route through breathtaking scenery.To get to the beginning of the route it is recommended to arrive by your own transportation.Take a moment to explore the streets and monuments of Torrelaguna, a town located in the middle valley of the Jarama that surprises for…


Torrelaguna - Torremocha - El Atazar Dam Bike Route

Torrelaguna – Torremocha – El Atazar Dam Bike RouteTORRELAGUNA – TORREMOCHA – EL ATAZAR DAMEnjoy this experience, where you will discover some of the charming villages in the mountains of Madrid.Torrelaguna can be reached by public transport from the city of Madrid, through the intercity bus line or spend the night before in one of…


CiclaMadrid Gran Tour bicycle route

CiclaMadrid Grand TourCIRCULAR ROUTEThe Gran Recorrido de Ciclamadrid that connects all 17 stages.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Asociación Club de Producto de Cicloturismo in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 432.11 km Positive elevation gain: 4,161 m Negative vertical drop: 4,161 m Time:  Difficulty: Moderate Maximum height: 1.129 m Minimum height: 454 m Circular route: YesDownload trackShareImages of…


Ports mythiques Madrid (Canencia/Morcuera)

Itinéraire cycliste à travers les cols mythiques de Madrid (Canencia/Morcuera)SOTO DEL REAL – SOTO DEL REALUn classique pour tous les amateurs de cyclisme sur route. Il gravit les cols mythiques de Morcuera et Canencia.Nous traversons le village de Miraflores de la Sierra et commençons l’ascension du col de Canencia. Nous descendons dans la vallée de…


Mythical Ports Madrid (Canencia/Morcuera)

Cycling route through the Mythical Ports of Madrid (Canencia/Morcuera)SOTO DEL REAL – SOTO DEL REALA classic for all road bike enthusiasts. It climbs the mythical passes of Morcuera and Canencia.We pass through the village of Miraflores de la Sierra and begin the ascent to the Canencia pass. We descend to the Lozoya valley and pass…


Sierra Oeste

Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Robledo de Chavela

Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Robledo de ChavelaSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS TO ROBLEDO DE CHAVELAThe community of Madrid is an ideal place for cycling lovers, and the route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Robledo de Chavela is one of the most popular in the area. With a distance of 31.73 km,…


Bicycle route from Robledo de Chavela to San Martín de Valdeiglesias

Bicycle route from Robledo de Chavela to San Martín de ValdeiglesiasROBLEDO DE CHAVELA TO SAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIASAguas de San Juan among pine forests, in the foothills of Gredos.If you want to relax in the Pantano de San Juan and enjoy a route between pines and oaks this is your route.From Robledo de Chavela we…


Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Aldea del Fresno

Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Aldea del FresnoSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS TO ALDEA DEL FRESNOTerritory of the Iberian Imperial Eagle, mountains of Grenache and albillo real.25 km among oak groves. If you are lucky, you will be able to see one of the most endangered animals in the world: the Iberian Imperial…


Bicycle route El camino de Villaescusa (Zarzalejo - Robledo de Chavela)

Bicycle route El camino de Villaescusa (Zarzalejo – Robledo de Chavela)THE ROAD TO VILLAESCUSA (ZARZALEJO – ROBLEDO DE CHAVELA)With this experience you will ride through some of the municipalities of the Sierra Oeste of the Community of Madrid. Zarzalejo, Robledo de Chavela, Fresnedillas… wonderful places that invite you to visit them by bike.Zarzalejo can be…


Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Zarzalejo - Pozuelo Alarcón

Cyclemadrid Runners Route: Zarzalejo – Pozuelo de AlarcónCYCLEMADRID RUNNERS: ZARZALEJO – POZUELO DE ALARCÓNFrom the mountains to Pozuelo, where you can easily reach by public transportation. This route takes you back to Madrid Capital from the northern sections of the Gran Recorrido de CiclaMadrid route.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Madrid Cycle Tourism Product…


Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Navalcarnero

Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to NavalcarneroSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS TO NAVALCARNEROTo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Grand tour of Ciclamadrid. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc:…


Bicycle route from Robledo de Chavela to San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Bicycle route from Robledo de Chavela to San Lorenzo de El EscorialROBLEDO DE CHAVELA TO SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIALIf you are a bike lover looking for a route with a bit of a challenge and beautiful views in the community of Madrid, then the route from Robledo de Chavela to San Lorenzo de El…


Bicycle route from Aldea del Fresno To San Martin de Valdeiglesias

Bicycle route from Aldea del Fresno To San Martín de ValdeiglesiasALDEA DEL FRESNO TO SAN MARTIN DE VALDEIGLESIASTECHNICAL DATA Distance: 26.11 km Positive elevation gain: 362 m Negative vertical drop: 167 m Time: Difficulty: Easy Maximum height: 696 m Minimum height: 456 m Circular route: NoDownload trackSharePictures of the bike route from Aldea del Fresno…


Bicycle route from Aldea del Fresno to Navalcarnero

Bicycle route from Aldea del Fresno to NavalcarneroVILLAGE OF EL FRESNO TO NAVALCARNEROFrom the pastures to the plain, land of Grenache and Malvar wines.A tour full of wineries, undoubtedly a route for wine lovers. This stage begins with a fairly steep slope but, don’t worry because it is short. To begin with, you have to…


Space bike route from Zarzalejo

Space bike route from ZarzalejoZARZALEJO – ZARZALEJOThis experience will take you to know some of the most curious municipalities of the Sierra Oeste de Madrid, where you can find the Madrid Space Station that belongs to NASA.Zarzalejo can be reached by train from the city of Madrid, through its station, or you can spend the…


CiclaMadrid Gran Tour bicycle route

CiclaMadrid Grand TourCIRCULAR ROUTEThe Gran Recorrido de Ciclamadrid that connects all 17 stages.Ciclamadrid is a project promoted by the Asociación Club de Producto de Cicloturismo in Madrid.TECHNICAL DATA Distance: 432.11 km Positive elevation gain: 4,161 m Negative vertical drop: 4,161 m Time:  Difficulty: Moderate Maximum height: 1.129 m Minimum height: 454 m Circular route: YesDownload trackShareImages of…


Enotourism bicycle route through San Martín de Valdeiglesias

Enotourism bicycle route through San Martín de ValdeiglesiasSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS – SAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIASIf you like wine, this is your route!San Martin de Valdeiglesias can be reached by public transport from the city of Madrid, through the intercity bus line or spend the night the night before in one of the accommodations offered…


Itinéraire cycliste de San Martín de Valdeiglesias à San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Itinéraire cycliste de San Martín de Valdeiglesias à San Lorenzo de El EscorialSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS – SAN LORENZO DE EL ESCORIALPour vous rendre au départ de la route depuis Madrid, vous pouvez choisir d’utiliser votre propre moyen de transport ou d’arriver par l’un des couloirs qui relient Madrid au Grand Tour Ciclamadrid. Pour voir…


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