With this experience you will ride through some of the municipalities of the Sierra Oeste of the Community of Madrid. Zarzalejo, Robledo de Chavela, Fresnedillas... wonderful places that invite you to visit them by bike.
Zarzalejo can be reached by train from the city of Madrid, through its station, or you can spend the night before in one of the lodgings in the area. Zarzalejo, a small municipality in the Sierra Oeste of the Community of Madrid, a place of recreation and rest of Felipe II, preserves its old town of traditional mountain typology framed in a landscape of crags, foothills and chestnut groves. The route begins in the direction of Robledo de Chavela, it is part of the Imperial Route (municipalities through which King Philip II passed on his journeys between Madrid and the Monastery of El Escorial). The old mansions that dot the municipality attest to its historical heritage. You can't miss the opportunity to visit the old town of Robledo before leaving for Colmenar del Arroyo.
Continue your route towards the road to Villaescusa, pedaling towards the historic Puente Mocha, also known as Puente Romano de Valdemaqueda, Puente de los 5 ojos or Puente del río Cofio, of 40 meters and raised over the beautiful waters of the Cofio river.
Following the route along the road we use again Robledo de Chavela to head towards Fresnedillas de la Oliva, where we recommend you to stop to visit its Lunar Museum. Through unique and original pieces, it allows the traveler to approach the space adventure carried out by man, which culminated with the arrival to the moon and the Apollo XII mission. You can take advantage of the tourist office in Fresnedillas to get more information about the area, before heading to the end of the stage in Zarzalejo.
Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Robledo de ChavelaSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS TO ROBLEDO DE CHAVELAThe community of Madrid is an ideal place for cycling lovers, and the route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Robledo de Chavela is one of the most popular in the area. With a distance of 31.73 km,…
Bicycle route from Robledo de Chavela to San Martín de ValdeiglesiasROBLEDO DE CHAVELA TO SAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIASAguas de San Juan among pine forests, in the foothills of Gredos.If you want to relax in the Pantano de San Juan and enjoy a route between pines and oaks this is your route.From Robledo de Chavela we…
Bicycle route from San Martín de Valdeiglesias to Aldea del FresnoSAN MARTÍN DE VALDEIGLESIAS TO ALDEA DEL FRESNOTerritory of the Iberian Imperial Eagle, mountains of Grenache and albillo real.25 km among oak groves. If you are lucky, you will be able to see one of the most endangered animals in the world: the Iberian Imperial…
Bicycle route from Miraflores de la Sierra to Manzanares el RealMIRAFLORES DE LA SIERRA TO MANZANARES EL REALRoute of the Castle of Los Mendoza.Experience a descent with panoramic views through the regional park of the upper Guadarrama basin to reach the Mendoza Castle.In Manzanares you have the possibility to visit La Pedriza, a unique corner…
Bicycle route from Griñón to ValdemoroGRIÑÓN TO VALDEMOROOn the way to La Sagra in Madrid, discovering the Castle of Puñonrostro.A route with a markedly Castilian character: arcaded squares, rural houses, dry farming…Leaving Griñón, take the road that leads to Cubas de la Sagra. You will pass through the fields of this characteristic region of Madrid…
Bicycle route from Aranjuez to NavalcarneroARANJUEZ TO NAVALCARNEROTo get to the start of the route from Madrid you can choose to use your own transport, the Renfe commuter train (line C-3) or arrive from one of the corridors that connect Madrid with the Ciclamadrid Grand Tour. To see the corresponding track search in Wikiloc: CycleMadrid…
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