Torrelaguna - Torremocha - El Atazar Dam Bike Route


Enjoy this experience, where you will discover some of the charming villages in the mountains of Madrid.

Torrelaguna can be reached by public transport from the city of Madrid, through the intercity bus line or spend the night before in one of the accommodations offered in the area. Leave Torrelaguna by the Laguna Alta road, arriving at the Torremocha Town Hall.

To continue, head towards Patones de Arriba. The old town of Patones, whose origins date back to 1527, has a past rich in history and offers pleasant walks that allow us to discover the attractions of its vast archaeological, architectural and landscape heritage.

Continue your journey to the Pontón de la Oliva, the sixth and last dam on the course of the Lozoya River, and the network that supplies drinking water to Madrid and a large part of the community.

After enjoying the views, take Calle del Arroyo towards the viewpoint of the Embalse de El Atazar. To finish the route head towards Torrelaguna, but not before making a stop at the Atalaya El Berrueco, also known as Torrepedrera watchtower, is a watchtower of Muslim origin.


Distance: 41 km

Positive difference in altitude: 1,070 m

Negative difference in altitude: 1,070 m


Difficulty: Difficult

Maximum height: 1.159 m

Minimum height: 695 m

Circular route: Yes


Pictures of the Torrelaguna - Torremocha - El Atazar Dam bike route

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