Bicycle route from Aranjuez to Chinchón (easy)


The fertile lowlands of the Tajo. From historic gardens to cultivated fields.

Enjoy this experience, where you can discover Aranjuez, one of the World Heritage Cities and pedal enjoying the fields of the fertile valley of the Tajo.

Aranjuez can be easily reached by train from the city of Madrid or spend the night before in one of the many and varied accommodations offered by the city. Aranjuez, whose cultural landscape is one of the elements inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, occupies a privileged place among the tourist destinations of the Community of Madrid. In Aranjuez, you cannot miss the Royal Palace, the Gardens, the Royal Falúas Museum or the Casa del Labrador among other resources.

The entire route is signposted. Leave Aranjuez along the right bank of the Tajo up to a fork indicating "Villaconejos", on the right. He continues to enjoy the landscape that is clearly moving away from the fertile lowlands of the Tajo. Pay attention to the signs, you will soon reach the village of Villaconejos, where you can find small stores, a bar and a pharmacy. In this small town with a Manchego air, you can visit the Melon Museum.

To continue, take the road that leaves next to the hermitage of Santa Ana, following the signs, you will arrive in Chinchón, where you should first go to its characteristic Plaza Mayor, where you will find its tourist office. They will provide you with information about the many tourist resources available in the municipality, including the Castle of Los Condes, the Casa de la Cadena, the Plaza Mayor itself, the Ethnological Museum, or the local gastronomy.

In addition, near this route, at the end of September, there is a phenomenon that is worth visiting. At this point on the map, we can find a lagoon that is dyed pink at this time and is really curious to see.


Distance: 22.66 km

Positive elevation gain: 301 m

Negative vertical drop: 58 m


Difficulty: Easy

Maximum height: 764 m

Minimum height: 488 m

Circular route: No


Images of the bike route from Aranjuez to Chinchón

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