Urban Bicycle Route - San Lorenzo de El Escorial


A simple urban route suitable for all levels.

Discover the corners of this wonderful town, San Lorenzo de El Escorial offers you the possibility to enjoy a multitude of monuments while enjoying a pleasant walk.

You can reach El Escorial perfectly by train from the city of Madrid (Cercanías Renfe) or stay the night before in one of the many and varied accommodations offered by the city. This is a suggested urban route to discover El Escorial and San Lorenzo de El Escorial.

The route starts at the train station, we take the first exit to the left to cross the train tracks and enter El Escorial. El Escorial, located in the heart of the Sierra de Guadarrama, is one of the main tourist destinations in the Community of Madrid due to its natural attractions and its splendid historical heritage linked to the construction of the neighboring Royal Monastery. Be sure to visit the Town Hall Square and the Church of San Bernabé.

Your next stop will take you to San Lorenzo de El Escorial, which features a large number of monuments from that era, which today have been reconverted into a town full of charm, cultural ambience and leisure options. Before reaching San Lorenzo, still in El Escorial, you will find the Casita del Príncipe, in a bucolic setting of gardens and fountains,

Move away from the center, crossing the Bosque de la Herrería, which gives its name to the Golf Course you will border, to have a more distant view of San Lorenzo and enjoy the monastery and the beauty of its surroundings. Before visiting it, you will find very interesting stops along the way, such as the Casas del Infante, de la Compaña or de la Reina, outstanding monuments in this wonderful environment that will serve as a way to the final visit, the Real Sitio de San Lorenzo.


Distance: 13.89 km

Positive elevation gain: 337 m

Negative vertical drop: 337 m

Time: 1:23h

Difficulty: Easy

Maximum height: 1.117 m

Minimum height: 910 m

Circular route: Yes


Images of the urban bike route of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

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